RTA financial and project status report – December 2024

RTA Project Status – Through Nov. 29 Projects in design 77 Under construction/implementation 63 Total number completed 1,047 RTA Financial Status – Through August Funds expended to date $1.67 B 971 RTA projects completed, including: Over 65% of all the RTA plan improvements to date (since 2006) are within the City of Tucson. Additionally, over … Read more

Public can still take regional transportation survey

Share your transportation priorities through July 18 in Pima Association of Governments’ (PAG) “Shape Your Transportation Future” survey. The survey gives the public a chance to provide input on what transportation improvements are most desired and where limited transportation dollars should be spent over the next 30 years. Results from the survey will help guide … Read more

RTA funds transit services people depend on

The regional transit system provides millions of rides to tens of thousands of people each year. Many of the transit services people in the community rely upon are funded by the Regional Transportation Authority sales tax. In total, the RTA plan will contribute more than $530 million to transit infrastructure and services during the life … Read more

Get involved: Public input is needed to plan for improved transit services

The City of Tucson has begun a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) of Sun Tran, Sun Link, Sun Express, and Sun Shuttle services. The COA process involves gathering public input in to identify potential improvements to the transit network. Find all the information and how to participate at www.tucsoncoa.com. Comments will be accepted through Feb. 17. … Read more

Fare-free transit to continue through June

Sun Tran buses will continue to run fare-free through the current fiscal year. The Tucson City Council approved the extension of free Sun Tran, Sun Link, and Sun Van fares will remain free until June 30. The mayor and council first suspended fares for public transit systems in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in March … Read more

RTA completes three major projects in the last 13 months

The calendar year is nearly over, and it has been a busy one for the Regional Transportation Authority and its member jurisdictions. Over the past 13 months, three major projects have been completed including two road widening projects and an improvement to an I-10 interchange. The most recent project to be completed is the widening … Read more

RTA helps provide “lifeline” transit service to Ajo

Second Generation recently was awarded the contract for transit services to operate Ajo Transportation by the Regional Transportation Authority. Ajo Transportation provides public transit services to residents in the western part of Pima County. The contract is for five years, with three, one-year extension options. Ajo Transportation operates Route 486 with daily service from Ajo … Read more