MainStreet – Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of the MainStreet Business Assistance Program?
- Gain access to consultants who are experienced in mitigating challenges associated with transportation construction projects
- Receive assistance to minimize business closures
- Learn ways to increase employee retention
- Receive proactive project information
- Identify tangible solutions for reduced business impact
- Access a MainStreet liaison for communication between your business and the project team and contractors
How will I know if I can benefit from business assistance?
Our team has 120+ years of combined direct experience in transportation construction mitigation. We know how transportation construction can affect you and how to guide you through it.
Who is eligible to receive these services?
Businesses located within a quarter mile of the transportation improvement zone on RTA-funded projects are eligible. Businesses outside this zone may contact MainStreet for special consideration if they believe they will be impacted.
How much will these services cost me?
Services are complimentary to all businesses within the designated project area.
How many businesses has the MainStreet Business Assistance Program worked with?
Since 2006, MainStreet has assisted over 10,100+ businesses, representing nearly 100,000 employees. The number of businesses MainStreet will assist during the life of the 20-year RTA plan is 11,000+.
How might a transportation construction project affect my business?
All businesses are not impacted equally. The most notable impact is the loss of revenue, negative cash flow and how the project affects operations. Revenue losses due to transportation construction projects average 20% to 25%, but in some cases can exceed 50%. What are some areas in which businesses request help?
- Declining revenues
- Marketing & social media
- Customer retention
- Employee retention
- Questions & concerns
- Issue resolution
- Project information
- Preparedness guidance
- Access & signage
- Project design conflicts
- Timing conflicts
- Community resources
Who are the typical MainStreet Business Assistance Program participants?
Participants are business owners, general managers, commercial property owners, property management companies, non-profit entities and business associations.
What if we are required to relocate because of the project?
Relocation will have a variety of impacts on your business. All property acquisitions and relocation services are provided by the municipal real estate and right-of-way departments. The MainStreet Business Assistance Program offers additional business consulting services in these special cases.
Complimentary Services
What do business outreach services offer?
- Coordination with an assigned business professional (i.e., Business Outreach Liaison) who is available 24/7
- Communication before and during construction including on-site visits to your business, phone calls and emails
- Project materials and handouts during planning and construction phases (e.g., fact sheets, public notices and traffic control updates)
- Referrals to appropriate agencies and project team contacts
- Timely response to questions and issues related to project design and construction
- Education in the construction process to help gain understanding and clarification
- Opportunities to provide feedback
What do business consulting services offer?
- Analyses to identify potential opportunities and strategies to mitigate construction impacts
- Marketing strategy, social media and graphic design
- Financial analysis, budgeting, planning, forecasting and cash flow management
- Custom access mapping and temporary signage design
- Customer service and sales training
- Business Success workshops
What services are not provided?
- Direct financial compensation is not allowed under the Arizona State Gift Clause
- Tax deferment or exemptions: all taxes, including property, sales, income and state must continue to be paid
- Property appraisal, acquisition or relocation
- Agent representation on behalf of the business
- Legal services
- Direct costs of advertising: marketing consulting services are available, but actual hard costs are not
Who are the MainStreet consultants?
The MainStreet consulting team is comprised of a pool of private sector consultants who provide a creative, collaborative and accountable environment. These independent contractors represent 120+ years of construction mitigation experience and 250+ years of consulting knowledge.
What is involved in the consultation process?
The process begins with an intake meeting to explain the program services, expectations and confidentiality agreement. After a discussion of the impact on the individual business and its unique needs, the consultants will determine the consulting scope, anticipated deliverables, proposed timing and expectations.
Will sensitive business information remain confidential?
Yes, only basic contact information is included in our outreach liaison database. Information pertaining to your specific business and its operations will be given at your discretion with confidentiality maintained between you and the independent MainStreet consultant via a signed confidentiality agreement.
How much time does a consultant spend working with me?
Your Business Outreach Liaison is available to assist you throughout the design and construction phases. Individual business consulting hours fall within 35-65 hours. MainStreet determines consulting hour allocation by analyzing criteria, including:
- Potential construction impacts related to the project’s size, scope, schedule, possible acquisition, nature of closure and proximity to the business
- Type of business: retail, hospitality, personal/professional services, manufacturing, non-profit, franchise, etc.
- Size, nature of business (i.e., destination, convenience, etc.) and competition
- Business access before, during and after construction
- Longevity; start-up or established franchise, multiple locations
Track Record
What has the MainStreet Business Assistance Program accomplished?
- 10,200+ outreach services to businesses on 60+ regional projects
- 15,100+ customized consulting deliverables
- 58,100+ business visits from our Business Outreach Liaisons
- Follow-up and resolution on thousands of specific questions during planning, design and construction phases
- 1,750+ email project updates sent per month
- Tangible business resources (e.g., Southern Arizona Small Business Resource Directory, tipsheets and workshops)
How is MainStreet accountable?
MainStreet conducts follow-up interviews, focus groups, internal systems reviews and standard RTA audits from the state. MainStreet also provides regular updates to the following:
- Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Board
- Citizens Accountability for Regional Transportation (CART) Committee
- RTA Management Team
- Technical Management Committee
- Pima Association of Governments
- Municipalities, jurisdictional agencies and project teams
- The public at large
How does MainStreet track its results?
MainStreet has received regular feedback and hundreds of testimonials from businesses that have worked with our team. We perform continual performance tracking through a direct business client feedback process. To date, performance rankings of services are:
- 83.0% Excellent
- 15.1% Good
- 1.5% Fair
- 0.4% Poor
How can I participate?
It is better to prepare than react during transportation construction projects. For more information, or to begin working with the MainStreet Business Assistance team, call our MainStreet hotline at (520) 838-4352.
Contact Info
Britton Dornquast
RTA MainStreet Program Manager
Phone: (520) 838-4352
Email: Britton Dornquast
Mailing Address
RTA MainStreet Program
1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401
Tucson, AZ 85701