Business Assistance
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Business Assistance

Transportation improvement projects can last from three months to two years and beyond. Ongoing construction can impact day-to-day business operations and revenues. The MainStreet Business Assistance Program is a complimentary service of the Regional Transportation Authority that helps business owners establish survival strategies to manage disruptions before and during construction. MainStreet has had a track record of successful results in providing services tailored to individual business needs since 2006.

Project construction along transportation improvement corridors impacts the revenues and operations of small businesses. The 2006 RTA plan, which is funded by a half-cent sales tax, includes dedicated funds for the MainStreet business assistance program to help business owners manage disruptions before and during transportation project construction.

Since every business is unique, MainStreet contracts with professional consultants who have years of business experience to help businesses impacted by transportation construction projects address potential obstacles and to identify individual challenges and solutions.

MainStreet aids businesses in developing stronger, positive government/private sector relationships, based upon trust, respect, responsiveness, tangible solutions and results.

During the life of the RTA plan, MainStreet will assist over 11,000+ businesses, representing over 130,000 employees. Since the program started, MainStreet consultants have helped 10,200+ businesses overcome construction-related issues through the following complimentary services:

Business Outreach

For each RTA project, MainStreet business outreach liaisons (our consultants) share information among the project teams, contractors and businesses impacted by the transportation construction project. The liaisons can:

  • provide fact sheets, traffic updates, timelines and notices of public meetings.
  • coordinate with businesses to ensure timely responses to concerns (e.g., business access, parking, utilities and scheduling conflicts, etc.).
  • work with contractors to solve unforeseen field issues (e.g., utilities, business access, traffic safety, etc.).
  • explain and coordinate complimentary consulting services to potentially solve unexpected and impending impacts.

Business Consulting

Private-sector business consultants are contracted to assist businesses to prepare for unexpected and/or anticipated impacts and to implement best practices and services that mitigate potential declines in customers and revenues. The consultants can:

  • conduct analyses to identify potential opportunities and strategies to mitigate construction impacts.
  • identify social media and marketing strategies to maintain and/or grow target markets.
  • conduct financial analyses and identify operating strategies to minimize losses and/or enhance profitability.
  • provide customer service/upselling training for restaurants and retail businesses to maximize revenues.
  • offer graphic design services to create banners, access signs, fliers and maps, etc., to increase business exposure.

Business Resources

The MainStreet Business Assistance Program has created an extensive resource directory that provides contact information for business services from within non-profit and public sectors and has developed tip sheets for managing a business throughout a construction project. The following resources can be reviewed, downloaded and printed:

Remember, it is better to prepare than react during transportation construction projects.

MainStreet Business Assistance Program Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Info

Britton Dornquast
RTA MainStreet Program Manager
Phone: (520) 838-4352
Email: Britton Dornquast

Mailing Address
RTA MainStreet Program
1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401
Tucson, AZ 85701