RTA Next
The Regional Transportation Authority is in the process of finalizing a draft of a new 20-year regional transportation plan for public review and feedback.
As part of the RTA Next plan development process, a citizens’ advisory committee (CAC) narrowed down a list of roadway projects submitted by jurisdiction members of the RTA Technical Management Committee (TMC) for plan consideration. The CAC is also working to recommend funding amounts for other plan elements, including transit, safety, active transportation (bike and pedestrian), and environmental improvements.
The RTA Board has requested that the CAC present a recommended draft plan by Dec. 6, 2023. The current 20-year RTA plan and half-cent transaction privilege or sales tax, which Pima County voters approved in 2006, will expire at the end of June 2026. The RTA Board has set a budget of $2.34 billion for the new plan and a tentative election date of May 2025. Both the plan and tax initiatives will require voter approval to extend the tax and continue RTA regional transportation improvements for another 20 years.
To date, more than 1,000 transportation projects and services have been implemented under the current RTA plan and the RTA has invested more than $1.6 billion in the transportation network.
Public Outreach
To educate the public on the current RTA plan and the RTA Next plan development process, the RTA has given presentations to more than 4,000 people in the region. In addition, more than 3,100 people participated in a survey in November and December 2019 to provide feedback on guiding principles and goals drafted by the CAC for plan development. Over 85% of the survey participants expressed agreement or strong agreement on the goals of improving the conditions of existing roadways, providing efficient crosstown mobility, reducing congestion, and reducing crashes at intersections.
Once the RTA Board approves an initial draft plan, the RTA will conduct extensive outreach across the region to seek public review and input before a final draft is presented to the RTA Board. Public participation opportunities will be through online surveys, open houses, stakeholder sessions, public meetings or other virtual opportunities.
Learn more about the RTA Next planning process and public participation opportunities.