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The Regional Transportation Authority occasionally seeks requests for proposals or requests for qualifications.

Request for Proposals – Sun Shuttle Fixed-Route and Sun Shuttle Dial-a-Ride Public Transportation – January 7, 2025

The Regional Transportation Authority of Pima County (RTA) seeks proposals from qualified entities, either singly or through a joint venture with others, to provide fixed route (Sun Shuttle) and paratransit (Sun Shuttle Dial-a-Ride) services in Pima County. The RTA reserves the right to negotiate the structure and pricing of the services during the bidding phase of this procurement.

The selected service provider will be expected to provide high-quality transit service while using regionally integrated fare collection technology and adhering to regionally adopted customer service, fare and rider policies.

This project will be managed by the RTA in coordination with other transit providers such as Sun Tran, Sun Van, and other human service agencies in the region.

The RTA is the fiscal manager of the funds that were approved by voters in a 20-year Regional Transportation Authority plan on May 16, 2006. The RTA oversees implementation of voter-approved projects, while member jurisdictions take the lead on constructing projects within their boundaries. Due to the regional nature of the services being provided in this solicitation, the RTA will manage this contract.

Questions regarding this RFP are to be submitted to the RTA in writing by email or fax to the attention of Roy Cuaron at (520) 620-6981(fax), or by email at Questions will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. (local time) on January 24, 2025. Proposers are encouraged to submit their questions as early as possible to allow the RTA adequate time to prepare accurate and comprehensive responses. It is the responsibility of potential candidates to monitor the web postings to ensure they have all up-to-date information on the proposal requirements.

All proposals must be received by the RTA on or before 10:00 a.m. (local time) Friday, February 28, 2025. Ten copies shall be delivered to Pima Association of Governments (PAG) 1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401, Tucson, AZ 85701. Proposals will be opened at 10:00 a.m. The RTA reserves the right to disqualify any and all proposals not in accordance with the prescribed requirements of this RFP. The award of a contract for this project is anticipated to occur no later than June 1, 2025.

A complete RFP packet may be obtained below or at PAG’s office noted above.


1. I was looking over the RFP, and I don’t see the details or timeline of the dates when all the steps are required to be completed.  Can you please provide this to me or point me in the right direction if I have missed it. 

The complete RFP packet can be found at under the tab Who We Are, RFP/RFQ.

2. Is there a pre-proposal meeting scheduled for this procurement?
With questions are due January 24, do you have an estimate for when you will have them answered?

There is no pre-proposal meeting scheduled for this RFP.  Please refer to the RFP packet at , Who We Are tab, for answers to your other question(s).

3. In order to have sufficient time to find a proper facility and outline the procurement of our proposed fleet, we respectfully request a proposal due date extension of additional four (4) weeks.
In what format should we submit our other questions?

The due date for proposals to be submitted remains unchanged.  All proposals must be received by the RTA on or before 10:00 a.m. (local time) Friday, February 28, 2025.
There is no standard format for submitting questions.  However, questions regarding this RFP are to be submitted to the RTA in writing by email or fax to the attention of Roy Cuaron at (520) 620-6981(fax), or by email at

The RTA operates its programs without regard to race, color and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. We invite you to complete our voluntary self-identification survey (English/Spanish). If you need translation assistance, please call (520) 792-1093 and ask for Zonia Kelley. Si necessita ayuda con traducción, llame por favor al (520) 792-1093 y comuníquese con Zonia Kelley.