Get Involved

A quality transportation system that meets the needs of all commuters is at the heart of a livable community. Our ability to plan for current and future needs while maximizing resources depends on thoughtful and focused regional discussion. We invite you to participate in public meetings, sign up for e-newsletters and notices, and learn more about our regional transportation system and future planning efforts. We want to hear from you, so please join the conversation.
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Meetings and Events

Regional Transportation Authority Board and committee meetings are open to the public. Visit our online calendar to stay up to date on scheduled meetings and other public involvement activities and events. Read more »


For the latest RTA information, our newsfeed will provide you access to press releases, project-related articles, project videos, e-newsletters, and other timely announcements. Read more »

Public Participation

The Regional Transportation Authority is a public body and invites public participation through its meetings or other public activities. Whether we seek input through open houses, online surveys or workshops, we encourage you to tell us about your views on regional transportation priorities. Read more »

Public Policies

Public policies encourage active participation by everyone in the transportation planning process. Active public participation leads to more efficient and effective regional planning to address the greater Tucson region’s transportation priorities. Read more »

Title VI (Non-Discrimination) Policy

The Regional Transportation Authority of Pima County (RTA) complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. As such, the RTA operates without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender, income or disability. RTA meetings are held in accessible locations, and materials are provided in accessible formats in languages other than English upon request within a reasonable advance notice period. Read more »