RoadwaysMore than half of the RTA tax revenues go toward multimodal corridor improvements to improve regional mobility and capacity. The 35 specific roadway projects identified in the RTA’s 20-year plan include new roads and bridges, intersection reconstruction, roadway improvements and Interstate 10 traffic interchange projects. The corridors are designed to help you get to where you need to go, whether you drive, use transit, walk or bike. Many corridor projects include bike lanes, multi-use paths and sidewalks to help integrate all modes of transportation within the regional network. Bike/PedestrianBicycle and pedestrian improvements provide additional travel choices in the regional transportation network and enhance safety for all users. Here are a few improvement highlights, through May 2022:
SafetyWhen voters approved the RTA plan in 2006, safety for all system users was a priority in the region and remains so today. Safety is built into every project, including intersection, bridge and railroad crossing improvements, along with bus pullouts and signal technology upgrades. Of more than 200 bus pullouts planned, more than 163 have been completed along transit routes through May 2022. Of 200 intersections promised, 195 have been built across the greater Tucson region. Improvements address the needs of all commuters, including the elderly, students and people with disabilities. WildlifeTransportation-related wildlife linkages funded by the RTA help to protect both the motorists and wildlife across the region. These safety enhancements provide connectivity for a wide variety of desert wildlife including coyotes, mule deer, bighorn sheep, mountain lions, javelina, desert tortoise and snakes. A wildlife crossing can be a roadway overpass, underpass or drainage structure to allow animals to safely traverse the man-made barriers. Freestanding wildlife linkages and crossings are integrated with the roadway design of RTA improvement projects. These connections not only help prevent crashes that are dangerous to people and animals, they also allow wildlife to access their natural habitats safely. |
MapsThe following maps show progress made on projects in the RTA’s regional transportation plan since it was approved by voters in May 2006. View maps » |