Who We Are
RTA Plan
Pima County voters approved a 20-year, $2.1 billion regional transportation plan in 2006 following extensive public input on the draft plan before it went before the voters. At the same time, voters approved a half-cent excise (sales) tax from the RTA’s taxing district within Pima County to fund the plan. The Arizona State Legislature established the taxing district in 2004. Read more »
RTA Next
Planning for the next RTA plan has started and a diverse group of citizens is at the helm of the effort to lead plan development and ensure broad public participation when the initial draft is ready for review. The regional transportation plan ultimately will be presented to voters, who will have the option to decide if they will support the plan and if they will support a tax initiative to fund the future plan. Read more »
RTA Funding
The Regional Transportation Authority’s 20-year regional transportation plan is funded by a voter-approved half-cent transaction privilege (excise) tax. The tax is collected in the state-established RTA special taxing district within Pima County. The RTA plan and tax measures were approved by voters in Pima County on May 16, 2006, and are effective through June 30, 2026. Read more »
RTA Board
The RTA is governed by the chief elected officials of local, state and tribal governments. The RTA Board was established in 2004. Prior to voters approving the 20-year RTA plan in 2006, the RTA Board pledged to deliver the identified projects in the plan and has been delivering projects as promised. Read more »
RTA Committees
The RTA committee meetings are open to the public. The committees provide oversight and input on RTA plan implementation, policy updates, project delivery and a future RTA plan. Meetings are typically held at Pima Association of Governments, 1 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 401, Tucson, Ariz. Read more »
Publications and Documents
The RTA, which was founded on the principles of transparency and accountability, publishes an annual report, annual financial audit report and other project-related documents that are available for public review. Read more »