The newest Sun Shuttle service is now operating in Picture Rocks. The new route is funded by the Regional Transportation Authority to bring this service to an area without much access to other forms of transit.
The new route was created based on public feedback from residents seeking service and through public input on where the route would be most useful, said Preston McLaughlin, RTA senior transportation planner for transit.
The Picture Rocks shuttle operates Tuesday-Thursday from 7:45 a.m. – 5:55 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and has an hourly frequency at each stop.
The RTA provides Sun Shuttle service in several parts of the metro area with funds from a half-cent sales RTA tax voters approved in 2006. Customer service is managed in partnership with Sun Tran, the City of Tucson’s transit service.
The new Picture Rocks shuttle is designed as a one-year pilot program. Sun Tran will seek feedback from riders during the year. For more information, visit Sun Tran’s Sun Shuttle page or download an informational flyer with a route map, information on scheduled pick-ups and a full schedule of arrival and pick up times for each stop.