What is the Project Review Task Force?

Fifteen years after voters approved the Regional Transportation Authority plan and excise tax to pay for multimodal transportation improvements across the greater Tucson region, some corridor projects are under review to address final delivery.

The RTA Project Review Task Force has developed a set of parameters to guide decisions about proposed changes to several projects in the final five-year period of the 20-year, voter-approved plan. Requests for project changes were submitted after the RTA Technical Management Committee asked members to identify project modifications to reduce project costs without sacrificing mobility improvements promised in the RTA plan.

The task force will use the project review guidelines to evaluate remaining funding needs over the ballot amount, scope change requests and potential project timeline adjustments.

The task force is reviewing the following projects:

  • RTA Project #5, Silverbell Road, north of El Camino del Cerro
  • RTA Project #13, First Avenue, Orange Grove Road to Ina Road
  • RTA Project #14, First Avenue, Grant Road to River Road

The RTA Project Review Task Force will look at available data on traffic volume and projections, safety information and more and make recommendations to the Technical Management Committee. The TMC is expected to use the information provided to make a recommendation to the RTA Board for final consideration.