Annual report shows RTA still going strong after 17 years

Still going strong after 17 years, the Regional Transportation Authority shares another round of project and financial updates for public review in its annual report for fiscal year 2023. “We take our responsibility seriously and have been accountable to our communities and to our members,” Marana Mayor and RTA Chair Ed Honea said in the … Read more

RTA financial and project status report – December 2023

The Regional Transportation Authority has delivered nearly 1,000 projects over 17 years. These projects include new and expanded roadway corridors, expanded transit services, bike lanes and pathways, safety improvements, wildlife connections, and much more, all intended to improve the connectivity of our regional transportation network. Find the most recent project and financial updates here.

Assistance program helps businesses cope with impacts of roadway projects

The voter-approved Regional Transportation Authority plan promises $2 billion in transportation system improvements. Inevitably, though, major roadway construction projects are accompanied by major disruptions for nearby businesses. The MainStreet Business Assistance Program is a complimentary service funded by the Regional Transportation Authority plan to help business owners establish survival strategies to manage disruptions before and … Read more

A $2.34 billion transportation decision is in your future

If you or your business organization, homeowner’s organization, or other group are interested in learning about a new 20-year regional transportation plan under development by the Regional Transportation Authority, we have a presentation to share those details with you. The RTA is developing a $2.34 billion plan for future consideration by Pima County voters as … Read more

Stay on-track with development of a new regional transportation plan

Development of a new long-term regional transportation plan continues as the Regional Transportation Authority works with a citizens’ advisory committee to recommend a new 20-year draft plan. The new plan would fund $2.34 billion in improvements to the transportation network across Pima County. The plan process involves evaluation of proposed roadway corridor improvements, transit expansions, … Read more

RTA Next: Track development of the new regional transportation plan

Planning for RTA Next is underway, with Regional Transportation Authority members working with a citizen’s advisory group to draft a new 20-year regional transportation plan. The new plan would fund over $2 billion in improvements to the transportation network across Pima County. The plan process seeks to evaluate the roadway corridor improvements, transit expansions, safety … Read more

Show me the money: How the RTA plan is funded

The Regional Transportation Authority’s 20-year regional transportation plan is funded by a voter-approved, half-cent transaction privilege (sales) tax. The state Legislature created the RTA special taxing district within Pima County in 2004 to fund transportation improvements. Regardless of where you live in Pima County, you probably contribute to the RTA tax. That’s because most retail … Read more

RTA plan delivers hundreds of miles of new sidewalks

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The Regional Transportation Authority has built nearly 180 miles of sidewalks to improve pedestrian accessibility and connectivity. Funding for these improvements was made possible by voter approval of the 2006 RTA regional transportation plan and tax, effective through June 2026. The improvements close the gaps between existing sidewalks, and other sidewalks are extended where needed … Read more