Public can still take regional transportation survey

Share your transportation priorities through July 18 in Pima Association of Governments’ (PAG) “Shape Your Transportation Future” survey.

The survey gives the public a chance to provide input on what transportation improvements are most desired and where limited transportation dollars should be spent over the next 30 years. Results from the survey will help guide the development of PAG’s 2055 Regional Mobility and Accessibility Plan (RMAP).

As the federally required metropolitan planning organization for the region, PAG must update this long-range transportation plan every four years to annually secure millions of dollars in federal funding for essential transportation improvements in the region.

The survey link is accessible at where more information about PAG transportation planning can be found. The page contains links to English and Spanish versions of the survey.

The 2055 RMAP, which will identify anticipated funding and anticipated projects over a 30-year period, is scheduled for review and adoption by the PAG Regional Council in spring 2025.