Notice for Request for Bids: Outreach to Hard-to-Reach Residents
Attend RTA Next Open Houses
Pima Association of Governments
Pima Association of Governments
RTA Projects

The RTA delivers roadway, bicycle, pedestrian, safety and transit improvements to meet diverse needs across the region.

RTA Next
RTA Next

A new 20-year, $2.46 billion regional transportation plan is ready for public review and input.


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    Valencia and Kolb

    RTA Plan

    The Regional Transportation Authority has been implementing projects and services in its 20-year, voter-approved regional transportation plan since 2006. The RTA plan is in its 18th year of project delivery. Read more »

    RTA News

    RTA News

    Get the latest news on RTA projects, upcoming open houses or events, presentation opportunities, committee action, new plan development and more. Read more »

    RTA Next

    RTA Next – a future plan

    The RTA is in the process of finalizing an initial draft of a new RTA plan for RTA Board review in advance of regionwide outreach for public review and input on setting regional transportation priorities that will serve our region for the next 20 years. Read more »

    Our Role

    The Regional Transportation Authority is an independent taxing district within Pima County. The RTA delivers multimodal transportation projects that improve our region’s mobility, safety and environment. Pima County voters approved the 20-year RTA plan in 2006. To date, the RTA has invested over $1.6 billion generated by the RTA’s half-cent excise tax within Pima County to improve your quality of life and support the region’s economic vitality.

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    Get Involved

    Knowing what you want for a quality transportation system leads to an efficient planning process. Find out how you can participate. We’re here to listen.



    RTA reports and other publications keep you up to date on RTA project delivery as well as how we are doing financially. They help tell the RTA story.



    Maps provide a better picture of where RTA projects and services are delivered across our region to help you find alternative connections.

    Investing in your Future

    The RTA investment of more than $1.3 billion in regional transportation improvements to date has been matched with $1 billion in additional public and private sector investments. Besides improving our transportation system, RTA improvements have the added benefit of driving new economic activity along its key regional corridors, leading to new retail, healthcare and hospitality-related businesses, plus new jobs, for enhanced livability.

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